Saturday, July 20, 2013

Day 2 on the road...WAKE UP TIME!

5:00am Monday June, 3
Showers and out the door! We prepared Protein muffins for breakfast: These are No-flour, No sugar Oat Walnut Fruit Muffins. It contains, bananas, egg whites, almond milk and old-fashioned oatmeal among other things. Very tasty breakfast with coffee!

No-flour, No sugar Oat Walnut fruit muffins
10:45am Billings Montana. Very windy day, and finally the mountains are around us. Glacier and Yellowstone National Parks are starting points. Between the parks lie mountains that don't have names yet, in ranges you've never heard of. Scattered in their valleys, you'll find small towns full of friendly locals sharing the unexpected and even maybe their huckleberry pie.  Billings is a railroad, industrial and oil refinery town. Very industrial--not my kind of town. Rain storms coming and going through this area. Must be those mountains.

11:30am We are traveling through the Mountains which can seem a little scary. But we are surrounded with national forests and just passing north of Yellowstone National park. The highways are beautiful. We keep missing a very dark and heavy rain storm. The plains and valleys remind us of Ireland. Missing the bogs and rocks.

12:53pm Bozeman, MO. Pretty large town, casino's--very commercial with plenty of souvenir shops.  Seems to be a entrance town to Yellowstone National Park. Seeing a lot of campers and activities.

It's hard to find a good cup of coffee on the road. We've been getting hot water for tea and using packets of instant coffee.

What do these people do for a living!!!
Beat the storms
2:30pm Butte MO

5:15pm Missoula MO with unexpected downpours of rain here and there but we're making good time
6:14pm Made it to Idaho 200 more

Made a short delay in Wallace, Idaho with a small grass fire off the highway, but in the city limits....and nosy drivers.

 8:00pm We arrived at Voila Winery FINALLY....with a warm welcome from Stacee and Doug and their 3 year old labradoodle "Mayday" (dog) is loving our attention!

Mayday has a lot to say!
Doug's vineyard (5 different grapes)
mountain views
Our beautiful suite and ME!!

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